I'm a writer of mystery novels and want my time spent on my novels, but my HubSpot CRM needs revamping. Can anyone point me to a list of experts available for a little work? Thanks, for the help. Walter
Hi, I have record id, thread id and message id of messages of live-messages. I need a link that just uses any of these to open the respective message. something like app.hubspot.com/...../...../{record id / thread id / message id}. Thank you.
Hello, We currently have SSO for all our HubSpot users. We are needing to create about an additional 20 users who are needed to be added as HUbspot users to receive emails on deals they are associated with. They don't need to be in Hubspot full tim...
My company is currently using the Help Desk and the ticketing system for all of our client communication. Since we are a financial services company, there are times when our clients could be audited. When that happens we need to be able to provide t...
Per Hubspot: "When mapping HubSpot "Opted out of email" marketing information to Salesforce, it automatically syncs with the Salesforce "Email Opt Out" field on the contact or lead record, ensuring that if a contact is unsubscribed in HubSpot, the...
Dear all, after I changed the default currency to MYR (Malaysia Ringgit), I was unable to create deal in the Mobile App only (showing USD), while the web app worked just fine (showing MYR) , thank you
When I used to create a deal it would automatically associate a contact with the deal if they were associated with the company the deal was for. That is no longer happening, any ideas?
Hy all. I have set a few products with their unit prices (as a sales target price). When I create a Deal, system gets automatically unit price from product master data. But each Deal has it own product price, depending on the negociation. i...
Can you have a deal with multiple line items, but have only the line items show up in their respective pipeline? Or do you need to create a separate deal for each line item if they do not have the same pipeline?
Good afternoon, I'm trying to automate our deal follow-up process based on deal creation date. We want to drop contacts into a sales follow-up process using a contact based workflow that then uses a sequence. I want to drop contacts into ...
Hi guys, I am looking for a solution to see my signature in conversation Helpdesk before I will send my email to customer. I see my signature on ticket level, but not in conversations. Sometimes I need to make chan...