I noticed that there are some contacts getting reassigned to a different salesperson when the contact unworked? property is set to True. Both these actiones being done automatically by HubSpot. 1. We do not want to check this Contact unworke...
Team, I have a situation where, at the beginning of every month, I need an object line created if a property is equal to the field type (this is created), BUT with the condition that the current date (1st of the month when the workflow is sched...
Hello! I need help creating a workflow. I have created a property called "Last Connected Date" on the Contact Object. I would like for this date property to automatically update when an Activity with the call type of "Call" is marked with an o...
As it stands now, I do not see any way to add multiple lead pipelines, yet the user must click the "Lead Pipeline" dropdown and choose the only option there. Am I missing something or is there a way to remove that field from the form (or set the d...
Hi team! I hope you can help - I have created some custom properties for companies as I'm gathering registered and trading data into the CRM for companies so we can complete credit checks. I'm looking to add some validation to custom fields such a...
Hello, I need to send an email to a list of contacts. It is not a marketing email, hence I would like to not have the "unsubscribe" feature at the bottom. I added manually all these contacts on my CRM because I need to ask them something. It is ...
Olá, Estou enfrentando problemas na conta ID (8170995), ao tentar exportar informações. Já testei em outras contas e consigo exportar normal, porem nesta, não consigo exportar nada. Sempre apresenta o erro como o em anexo:
I am going to use the Meeting Scheduler for a trade show meetings. A limited time of 4 days and selected hours. I do not get reply about which times are booked or which ones are free in the reply message. Also, ss it possible to view the whole s...
Hi, I want to calculate Project End Date(Date) using Project Start Date(Date) and Project Duration(Number). How to do this? Or the best way to calculate the same. Thank you
I have a field where I ask about the product being offered and depending on the product offered - we will have different questions at each stage of the business. However, the conditionals in "Pipeline" are the "step entry". When I do the conditional...
One of the sales guys still has the old hubspot layout. How can I change it for them? Also is there a way where I could view more than 5 contacts at the same time in an account, instead of just 5?
Hello everyone, I successfully implemented the WhatsApp Business Integration from the HubSport Market Place. I wanted to ask if it is possible to create group chats like on a private WhatsApp Account or if it is not possible due to data privac...