Will I lose cookies when switching over from old website to redesigned website?
I'm not an expert on how cookies work, here's my situation and question:
(1) we have the HS tracking code installed on our existing WordPress site. (2) we are redesigning website (will be deployed on same web host using WordPress) (3) will my Hubspot CRM lose the "connection" activity once we switch from old website to new?
Here's a sample use case: if someone has been visiting my old site anonymously and accepted cookies, then after we cut over to the new site they submit a lead form .... will all their prior web activity history get insertedin their HS account?
What are the things we need to do to make sure that this is possible?
Will I lose cookies when switching over from old website to redesigned website?
@PamCottonyes I am referring to the cookie that the HubSpot tracking code drops on the visitors device, which then links their historic activity to their Contact record once the visitor has submitted a form.