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Is there a way to track who and how many contacts each sales person created? it doesn't look like Hubspot has a field for it, but I might be missing something.
I have found this idea a customer submitted for a "created by" property to be created in HubSpot. Please go to the idea and upvote it! The more upvotes an idea post has, the better the likelihood of it getting implemented 🙂
There is now a "Created by user ID" field on all record types!
To find the ID of a user (it's not their name), navigate to Settings > Users & Teams. Click on the user and copy the ID from the URL that's now showing in the address bar of your browser:
There is now a "Created by user ID" field on all record types!
To find the ID of a user (it's not their name), navigate to Settings > Users & Teams. Click on the user and copy the ID from the URL that's now showing in the address bar of your browser:
You can always create a new custom property (type: "HubSpot user") and maintain this field manually.
However the default field cannot be edited. It would be factually incorrect if the contact was not created by the user but, for example, an integration.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
My question would be: as the field is already automatic, and to avoid creating a manual copy, is there a way to find out why sometimes it does not work?
We struggle with this as well. Being able to measure each BDR and Salesperson on the prospecting they personally did is a big deal. Can't use "lead owner" or "contact owner" as those can be re-assigned as contacts move through the funnel. Also, at times we have someone import a list that someone else prospected, so we would like to set the credit for who did the prospecting, even if that person didn't physically upload into HS.
août 19, 20215:48 AM - modifié août 19, 20215:50 AM
Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Platinum
Who created each contact
If it is so much of an issue that you would be willing to implement a workaround, I might have one for you. In the property called "original source drill-down 2", you have the user ID of the user who created the contact if it was created manually or via an extension. You can either export and map this to actual names or you can use a tool like zapier to mapp the user ID to actual names in HubSpot.
Let me know if you have any questions in this regard. I'd be happy to help out.
Hi Jacob, I tried your solution. Now I'm able to see some information under the "Original Source Drill Down 2" . Under that property for many of the contacts only show "Zapier". How can I map this to actual names?
I have found this idea a customer submitted for a "created by" property to be created in HubSpot. Please go to the idea and upvote it! The more upvotes an idea post has, the better the likelihood of it getting implemented 🙂
Yes, it is possible to find which user in your Hubspot account has created a contact by checking property history of a client.
Infact, you can also check who were all the users which communicated with the contact. (This particular usecase was required by one of my client)
Though you can't get an agreegate report on how many contacts were created by each user but to achieve that with Hubspot you can scrape data from your own Hubspot contacts and build a simple report in Google Sheet.
And, yes if you need help then my company can help you with implementation of Hubspot and also building new Hubspot integrations if required for your usecases.
There is no way this field doesn't already exist within Hubspot's backend. This should just be a matter of surfacing it so that we can see and use it. Please look into making this quick fix as it should be standard functionality.
oct. 31, 20198:51 AM - modifié oct. 31, 20199:05 AM
Who created each contact
Not sure if this applies to how hubspot sales hub does contact creation (we don't use it) but at least I am able to identify contacts created from salesforce by adding workflows using original source breakdows:
E.g if "Original Source Drilldown 1" contains SALESFORCE, I know it was created through the salesforce integration. You can also filter out contacts created via other integrations this way, as drilldown 1 or 2 in offline sources will usually contain an ID or name of integration. That said, it doesn't tell me who exactly did it 🙂
Edit: the above method refers to how i do it in Hubspot marketing
Maybe hubspot sales stamps the contacts original source in some similar way?
1. HubSpot so much easier for Sales teams congrats!!
2. Amazed we miss this basic capability to get a created by user. How can we manage teams effectively. Sales is no longer one person does all, but we have openers, qualifiers and closers each specialising on a different piece of the sales flow. They want credit for their good work, yet I can't give kudos to those who are leveraging their networks to get our foot in the door!
This is crucial for us as well, please can you please add to pipeline? It would make sense if the 'source' had the name of the user who created the contact instead of just 'offline sources' as it is currently.
There isn't a way to isolate which/how many contacts were specifically created by the users in your portal, however filtering contacts with the contact property "Hubspot Owner" might come close to what you are trying to accomplish. It won't be perfect, because there are times when a contact might be added to a portal, but the Hubspot Owner is set to someone other than the person who added them. You can filter by Hubspot Owner by navigating to "Contacts" in the top navigation, "Add Filter" on the left hand side, type in Hubspot Owner, Click "Hubspot Owner", select "is any of", choose a user in your portal and click apply filter. This will display all of the contacts and provide a number of contacts owned by that user. You can also save this filter as a view, and repeat for all users in your portal so that you can easily access the views later on without having to manually add the filters everytime you want this information.
I hope this helps! I know it's not a perfect workaround because it doesn't provide the exact created by information, but it might come close to what you are trying to accomplish.
Since there isn't default functionality to track who created a contact, you could create a custom contact property, maybe called something like "Created By" and have a dropdown select containing all of your sales users. They would have to manually select their name when creating the contact, but it might accomplish what you're looking for. It wouldn't be a retroactive solution, but if you start something like this, you'd be able to use that property to track how many contacts each of your reps added to Hubspot.