
Use Checkbox values for calculations


Hi everyone,

I have made some properties that I would like to include in mails and surveys for customers to rate certain features. However, I would prefer to have some questions made into multiple checkboxes that are linked with other calculations that would in the end should reveal a total score. 

Therefore, my question is; is it possible to give checkboxes internal values that the calculation automatically pickup to generate a total score? 

Hope you guys can help.



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Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions

Use Checkbox values for calculations


Hi @RLV2525,


You'd have to "translate" the checkbox value into a number for HubSpot first. This would be possible with workflows and additional properties.


For each checkbox, you'd create a custom property, e.g. Form checkbox 1 (number). In a workflow, you would then enroll all contacts in your CRM (for example by selecting Create date is known).


The enrollment is followed by an if/then branch. If the checkbox value is known, set the Form checkbox 1 (number) to [number]. If the checkbox value is unkown, set it to 0. It's crucial that every contact gets a number, even if it's a 0, otherwise the calculated property won't... calculate. There needs to be a value in this field. (see here)


For the enrollment triggers, you might want to include a second option:


Create date is known OR

Contact has filled out any form on any page


You can use this form criterion for re-enrollment; for contacts who fill out the form and do not tick the box, but come back and tick the box the second time around.


Unfortunately you need to create this for each checkbox.


Hope this helps!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Use Checkbox values for calculations


I was able to achieve this without a workflow utilizing "Contains" inside of if statemetns in a calculated field.


(((((if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Customers"), 25) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "Existing"), 20)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "Solving a"), 15)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Feature"), 15)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "Update"), 15)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Market"), 10))

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Use Checkbox values for calculations


I must add that this will not work correctly unless you add a zero if condition is not met: (if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Customers"), 25,0) 

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Use Checkbox values for calculations


I was able to achieve this without a workflow utilizing "Contains" inside of if statemetns in a calculated field.


(((((if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Customers"), 25) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "Existing"), 20)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "Solving a"), 15)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Feature"), 15)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "Update"), 15)) + if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Market"), 10))

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Use Checkbox values for calculations


I must add that this will not work correctly unless you add a zero if condition is not met: (if(contains([properties.focus_area], "New Customers"), 25,0) 

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Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions
Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions

Use Checkbox values for calculations


Hi @RLV2525,


You'd have to "translate" the checkbox value into a number for HubSpot first. This would be possible with workflows and additional properties.


For each checkbox, you'd create a custom property, e.g. Form checkbox 1 (number). In a workflow, you would then enroll all contacts in your CRM (for example by selecting Create date is known).


The enrollment is followed by an if/then branch. If the checkbox value is known, set the Form checkbox 1 (number) to [number]. If the checkbox value is unkown, set it to 0. It's crucial that every contact gets a number, even if it's a 0, otherwise the calculated property won't... calculate. There needs to be a value in this field. (see here)


For the enrollment triggers, you might want to include a second option:


Create date is known OR

Contact has filled out any form on any page


You can use this form criterion for re-enrollment; for contacts who fill out the form and do not tick the box, but come back and tick the box the second time around.


Unfortunately you need to create this for each checkbox.


Hope this helps!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Use Checkbox values for calculations


@karstenkoehler Good Morning Boss, I have a similar issue and would like to request you to kindly help me out. You're my SuperHero in HubSpot category. Love you a lot!


HubSpot Community - Mapping Checkbox to HubSpot through Zapier. - HubSpot Community

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Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions
Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions

Use Checkbox values for calculations


Hi @EbarakHossain, would love to help but not super-familiar with this setup of Tripetto/Zapier, unfortunately. Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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