Trouble adding picture attachment to notes section for contacts
The only feature that my company really uses on hubspot is creating contacts. Our sales reps fill in the first and last name of the contact and then associate a picture for the note for each contact. Last night roughly half of our reps were unable to upload a picture to the notes section to associate with the contact. It didn't even show the option to attach a picture. It's confusing because it's still working for some reps but not for others. All of them use the mobile app of hubspot rather than the desktop. Any tips?
Trouble adding picture attachment to notes section for contacts
If it continues to be a problem. gives you the ability to just upload or take a picture and all the default and custom fields automatically fill based on that picture and the picture is saved (Business Cards, Handwritten notes, etc.)
I know you can do something similar in HubSpot, but thought I'd give a solution.
Trouble adding picture attachment to notes section for contacts
Yep exactly.
After talking to one of the reps this morning, it sounded like they would upload the picture, but then as soon as they would push save, the picture would disappear.