Triggering a workflow every time a note is added to an object
We're attempting to create a workflow that triggers every time a note is added to an object. The issues we're currently experiencing are: 1) 'Activities' can only be used to trigger a workflow initially, and cannot be used for re-enrollment. 2) 'Last Activity Date' will only ever enroll the object into the workflow once a day, and we need the workflow to run for every note added.
Are there any possible workarounds to accurately enroll objects into this workflow each time a note is added?
Triggering a workflow every time a note is added to an object
To anyone that stumbles upon this thread seeking a solution to a similar issue, we've managed to find the property that solves the issue.
"Number of Sales Activities" increments by 1 every time an activity is logged against an object record. Using this as a workflow event trigger, allowing re-enrollment, and specifying whether it's "known" triggers each time an activity is added!
Triggering a workflow every time a note is added to an object
To anyone that stumbles upon this thread seeking a solution to a similar issue, we've managed to find the property that solves the issue.
"Number of Sales Activities" increments by 1 every time an activity is logged against an object record. Using this as a workflow event trigger, allowing re-enrollment, and specifying whether it's "known" triggers each time an activity is added!
Triggering a workflow every time a note is added to an object
In this particular use case we didn't need to identify whether it's a note, we just needed a workflow to trigger whenever a note was added.
The actual workflow utilises custom code modules that obtain the "hs_note_body" values for all notes on a contact, then checks if the string values contain any text that matches a specific RegEx statement. If no matches are found it ends, or if any matches are found it modifies the "hs_note_body" values for those notes and updates them.
Not in a way that is 100% satisfactory, but you can get close:
Create a contact / company / deal based list
Filter for activity type note and activity date is less than 1 day ago
Re-enroll contacts into workflow based on list membership
This means that only one enrollment can occur per day so it's a bad solution when there are more than one notes per day, a good solution if it's typically one max.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Triggering a workflow every time a note is added to an object
Thank you Karsten!
You're absolutely right, ideally we'd be able to trigger the workflow each time a note is added. Unfortunately the client may add multiple notes to an object per day, all of which need to trigger a workflow.
Hopefully one day in the future workflows will be able to use associated objects as re-enrollment triggers. Fingers crossed.