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We have multiple deals (upsells after initial deal) that are associated with our account. How would I go about showing total amount of all closed- won deals on the company level, so we can quickly see the total amount of ARR that a company is paying us? Thank you!
For this, I would create a custom report using Companies and Deals as the data source.
You can start by adding Deal stage is All Closed Won as the filter:
Then, for the columns, you can add Record ID or Company Name to the leftmost column, and TotalRevenue as the second column. I prefer Record ID, as it links to the company record directly so I can click into it.
Note that it does throw up an error that there may be inaccuracies when Deals is set as a data source in combination with Companies. I'm not sure what specific inaccuracies may show up, but the numbers I see on my report are correct; it just might be something to keep an eye on.
I missed the note about ARR, but you can set the Deal Amount to be calculated as ARR in your portal's Settings:
You can use the Annual Revenue field instead of Total Revenue field in the report, as well. It may help to add a filter for Deals with a Close Date within the last year, depending on how your deals are set up.
I managed to do this. The goal is to have an overview of our Key Accounts. Therefore, I would also like to have a 3rd column with the respective contact person. I am trying to set it up with the 3 data sources, and thought to use association labels. However, I cannot figure out.... thank you for your help 🙂
Thank you for the quick response! However, I am looking to add this Value as a field to the company account. If that makes sense. So when I go to a company account in Hubspot I can clearly see on the right hand side under company properities "Total Deal Amount". Does that make sense? I am sorry for not being very clear 🙂
Hey Zach - that isn't quite right; the Company property 'annual revenue' is Hubspot's estimate of the annual revenue of that company, based on Hubspot Insights. It is not the annual revenue in terms of contract value.
Thank you again for your help, that field for some reason doesn't give us the correct value. However Total Revenue does... But Total revenue doesn't take in to consideration it doesn't track the LTV of the account. Just total deal size. which is what I wanted. I just assumed total revenue would be LTV for some reason.
Do you know which Field would give you Life Time Value of the customer then?
Hey - did you ever find a solution for this? I'm also looking for a way to roll-up the total value of all deals associated with a company into one Company property.