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I am trying to create a report that shows the Customer Name, number of deals and the sum of the spend for this financial year.  I am struggling to work out how to add an extra column to show the average spend.  Example Thomas Contractors average spend would be £99,957.70.


I would also like to add another dimension to the report to show the next financial year which would be WIP.  if this part isnt possible I will do a separate report for each year which is fine.





This is what I currently do in Excel




ガイド役 | Elite Partner
ガイド役 | Elite Partner

Top 20 Customers


@JGray30 - Add the deal property 'Amount' twice in your report columns and aggregate one by 'Average':

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.53.17.png

To view this data for this year and next, change the report to a pivot table and add in 'Close date' as a column, moving the count of deal and amount properties to the value section (as below):

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.56.15.png

Add a filter to only show deals with a close date of this year or next, it'll look something like this (imagine 'No value' is 2024 - I don't have alot of data in my test portal!): 


Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.58.08.png

Hannah Fisher
CRM Platform Consultant @ Elite HubSpot Partner BabelQuest
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Top 20 Customers


Apologies for the long delay, it has been manic, I am also on holiday.  AS soon as I am back I will try this out, it looks very promising - thank you

0 いいね!
ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner
ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner

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Hey @JGray30 

I think @HFisher7 has already given you the solution/workaround.

Let us know if you could implemented and it worked for you

or If you stilll have questions about this.

Have a nice day

María Lucila Abal
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ガイド役 | Elite Partner
ガイド役 | Elite Partner

Top 20 Customers


@JGray30 - Add the deal property 'Amount' twice in your report columns and aggregate one by 'Average':

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.53.17.png

To view this data for this year and next, change the report to a pivot table and add in 'Close date' as a column, moving the count of deal and amount properties to the value section (as below):

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.56.15.png

Add a filter to only show deals with a close date of this year or next, it'll look something like this (imagine 'No value' is 2024 - I don't have alot of data in my test portal!): 


Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.58.08.png

Hannah Fisher
CRM Platform Consultant @ Elite HubSpot Partner BabelQuest
Unlock the potential of HubSpot

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