Sure! HubSpot's Pro marketing software includes a feature called workflows - these are really the essence of marketing automation. Workflows can do many things like sending emails to contacts and changing contact properties. One function is to copy information from one field to another.
I use a workflow to copy the contents of the name field in the company object into the company name filed of the contact record - if that makes sense.
Workflows are not included in the free CRM unfortunatly.
3. Open the CSV, it should look like the following:
4. Delete the following columns; Contact ID, First Name, Last Name and Company ID. Rename Company name to Custom_Company_Sortable (the name of the custom property created in Step 1).
The updated CSV should look like this:
5. Import the updated CSV back into Hubspot. Make sure not to overwrite the existing contact details. The import will only update Custom_Company_Sortable.
6. Now you can sort by company using the Custom_Company_Sortable column. In my case the custom property is called SS_SORT. I have removed the names and emails from my screenshot for privacy purposes. However, as you can see the custom field is sortable. In my case I am sorting by website.
Test the import with a few contacts to make sure it works before updating the whole database.
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
This is a joke, I am regreting my moving from Pipedrive. This needs to be fixed, I am paying in excess of €30k for this and I can't view my contacts based on their organisation!
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
It's very surprising that this was suggested nearly four years ago and there still isn't an easy, accessible solution. We attempted to create a redundant Company Name property in addition to the Associated Company so that we could sort by it, but that's only opened up more opportunities for human error, more work to enter those properties when creating new contacts, more headaches...
Sorting by Associated Company should be standard. It's shocking that it isn't.
3. Open the CSV, it should look like the following:
4. Delete the following columns; Contact ID, First Name, Last Name and Company ID. Rename Company name to Custom_Company_Sortable (the name of the custom property created in Step 1).
The updated CSV should look like this:
5. Import the updated CSV back into Hubspot. Make sure not to overwrite the existing contact details. The import will only update Custom_Company_Sortable.
6. Now you can sort by company using the Custom_Company_Sortable column. In my case the custom property is called SS_SORT. I have removed the names and emails from my screenshot for privacy purposes. However, as you can see the custom field is sortable. In my case I am sorting by website.
Test the import with a few contacts to make sure it works before updating the whole database.
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
It sounds HubSpot suggest workflows when simple tasks can't be achieved from the front end. I don't think is appropiate to close this idea because a workflow is suggested as a workaround and only benefit those customers who licence the Pro version.
I had a very negative experience using a 'simple' workflows that HubSpot support setup for me and went totally wrong. Since then I'm walking away from 'the workflow magic wand'. Workflows are usually setup by HubSpot support or advance software users and I think this is not suitanable for your customers on a long term when employees leave the organisation and those automation magically change information on the front end due to complex workflows to fix simple issues. Is this a strategy to quietly upsell to HubSpot Pro maybe?
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
I have a question regarding the workaround that @Phil_Vallender describes.
How do you solve the issue that the workflow doesn't update the contact property "company name" if the associated company of said contact is changed (instead of initially entered) or simply the name of a company gets update?
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
Can't figure out why "Associated With" can't be sorted. It is already being listed in the view. For this little thing, paying for Pro for workflow is not justifiable. It is indeed very helpful for monthly review and presentation.
I was able to find this idea created in our ideas forum here
This idea status still in submitted but my recommendation would be please like the idea and leave your comment there as our product team is constantly checking for updates, this will ensure they are aware of our customer's need and any updates to that idea you will be able to receive a notification.
It's still not possible to sort on the associated company column in a view of contacts.
I am a little suprised this is the case.
This post was marked as solved based on the workaround of copying the associated company name into the contact's company name property. Not ideal, but the best we can do right now.
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
This is quite puzzling - it's been an issue since 2017 on quite a few posts and still hasn't been addressed. Associated Company is a field in the CRM and we need to be able to sort by it - I get the "solution" of adding a copy of the field for Company Name, but that defeats the purpose of Hubspot's database and a value proposition.
This is causing massive FRICTION for our team's processes. I've been able to do this functionality in other CRMs and feels like a let down not to be able to in HubSpot as I really like your Please Please Please enable this functionality.
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
Agree – this function is really critical for us as we're working with a list of nearly 7000 contacts on a paid account. Alphabetizing would be a huge win.
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
I agree this is a problem. We understand that Associated Company isn't technically a Contact property. In general, however, ANY property that can be selected as a column in any Filter, Report, etc. should be sortable. Otherwise, there is little to no use to include it.
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
Yes, this is a real limitation and would seem to be a very simple fix...
I think writing a workflow to help is a creative work around, but it is rediculous to have to go to that measure just to sort your contacts by company....
Sorting contacts by Associated Company is not working
And also (for those of us on the Starter plan) it would seem to cost an extra $800/month to get the workflow feature... Hubspot please do consider letting us sort by Associated Company, as it would be so much easier than filling out Company Name manually for each contact!
Our usage is this: we're an agency with 75 odd support clients, and want to be able to run through our list of key contacts and check they're all correct - it's much easier to do this when sorted by company. Thanks.