
Salesforce Report - I Need Inactive Days to calculate Last Email Date




I need the "Inactive Days" field to calculate the number of days from the "Last Email Date" and not the "Last Activity Date". Is this possible? Currently the "Inactive Days" field is calculating from the "Last Activity Date".


I have a "Inactive Days"field on the account and the formula is as follows:


ActivityMetric.LastActivityDateTime - NOW ()


Can this formula be updated to: 


ActivityMetric.LastEmailDateTime - NOW () 




Today() - DATEVALUE (Last_Email_Date__c) 


I would like to use the "Inactive Days" field in my Salesforce report to calculate the Last Email Date.


Last Email Date 2.JPG


Also, when I updated the "Inactive Days" formula to: Today() - DATEVALUE (Last_Email_Date__c) , I received the following error when I tried to add the "Inactive Days" field to my Salesforce report.


Looks like something is wrong.JPG

1 Accepted solution
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Salesforce Report - I Need Inactive Days to calculate Last Email Date


@Shantelle82 hi! Last email date is not a field populated by HubSpot so I'm not sure where that data is coming from.


That aside, the formula should be Today - Last Activity Date to get a positive number of days in between rather than a negative. Today() pulls a date data type of today's date and the date value() conversion should pull the date from last email date in the correct format.


For the error message, is the last email date on the account, activity, or contact object? I'd recommend trying a roll-up summary field on the account for the MAX 'last email date' for associated contacts and then add the formula field to the account for today()-last email date.

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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Salesforce Report - I Need Inactive Days to calculate Last Email Date


@Shantelle82 hi! Last email date is not a field populated by HubSpot so I'm not sure where that data is coming from.


That aside, the formula should be Today - Last Activity Date to get a positive number of days in between rather than a negative. Today() pulls a date data type of today's date and the date value() conversion should pull the date from last email date in the correct format.


For the error message, is the last email date on the account, activity, or contact object? I'd recommend trying a roll-up summary field on the account for the MAX 'last email date' for associated contacts and then add the formula field to the account for today()-last email date.

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Salesforce Report - I Need Inactive Days to calculate Last Email Date


Hi @Shantelle82,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!


I haven't used the Salesforce integration myself, but I wanted to tag in a couple of subject matter experts to see if they have any input on this matter:

Hi @Aakar@StefaniUAT@lynton@LaurenRyancould you lend @Shantelle82 your insights / experience? Thank you!     


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