At the moment, create permissions are linked with edit access - so you would have to withdraw company edit access:
HubSpot has already announced that they're working on dedicated create permissions, not linked to edit permissions, but no ETA on that just yet:
Create permissions for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, and Custom Objects
May 27, 2024
This record includes updates regarding current development efforts for our existing or new products or services. These updates are not intended to be a promise or guarantee of future availability of products, services, or features but merely reflect our current plans based on factors currently known to us. They also are not intended to indicate when or how particular features will be offered or at what service tier(s) or price. These planned and future development efforts may change without notice.
What is it?
A new permission each for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, and Custom Objects. These permissions will allow for admins to control whether a user is able to create each specific type of object separately from their permission to edit that object.
Why does it matter?
Currently, any user that has permission to Edit an object at all, such as a Contact, Company, Deal, Ticket, or Custom Object, is allowed to create new records for that object type. This has resulted in a concern from customers around data hygiene. They must allow their users to edit records to perform their jobs, but in doing so, they are forced to allow their users to also be able to create records.
How does it work?
Users that have the ability to change permissions for other Users should navigate to Users & Teams where they can edit Users' permissions to determine what access levels for creating records for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, and Custom Objects that the user should have. Originally, we will provide for the User that their Create permission for each object type is turned on if they currently have permission to edit that object type.
Best regards
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
At the moment, create permissions are linked with edit access - so you would have to withdraw company edit access:
HubSpot has already announced that they're working on dedicated create permissions, not linked to edit permissions, but no ETA on that just yet:
Create permissions for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, and Custom Objects
May 27, 2024
This record includes updates regarding current development efforts for our existing or new products or services. These updates are not intended to be a promise or guarantee of future availability of products, services, or features but merely reflect our current plans based on factors currently known to us. They also are not intended to indicate when or how particular features will be offered or at what service tier(s) or price. These planned and future development efforts may change without notice.
What is it?
A new permission each for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, and Custom Objects. These permissions will allow for admins to control whether a user is able to create each specific type of object separately from their permission to edit that object.
Why does it matter?
Currently, any user that has permission to Edit an object at all, such as a Contact, Company, Deal, Ticket, or Custom Object, is allowed to create new records for that object type. This has resulted in a concern from customers around data hygiene. They must allow their users to edit records to perform their jobs, but in doing so, they are forced to allow their users to also be able to create records.
How does it work?
Users that have the ability to change permissions for other Users should navigate to Users & Teams where they can edit Users' permissions to determine what access levels for creating records for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, and Custom Objects that the user should have. Originally, we will provide for the User that their Create permission for each object type is turned on if they currently have permission to edit that object type.
Best regards
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Restrict Non-Super Admins from being able to create companies
Hi Karsten,
Is there a way to do it that would still allow them to modify the records within their own accounts but just not be able to create new ones or require any new accounts that are being create to be approved first?
Restrict Non-Super Admins from being able to create companies
@Salaramy not that I know of, no, that's why HubSpot has announced that they're working on dedicated permissions for that. They simply don't exist yet.
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer