Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
My team is tracking our 'relationship touchpoints' as a custom object. I am working on a report comparing touchpoints to goals for each client. I want to include companies that have a goal but zero touchpoints. I have tried applying '#count of relationship touchpoints' to the filter fields, but for some reason, it cannot be added. I need to visualize the clients we are missing. How do I do that?
Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
Hey @CWheeler4 & @karstenkoehler -- I did some more digging here and as it turns out, since the #Count of relationship touchpoints is a default measure as opposed to an object property, they cannot be used as filters at this time. At most, you can sort by these default measures.
I can absolutely see the value of this -- I encourage you to consider creating a post on our Ideas Forum here. If you find a similar idea, give it an upvote and share your unique use case in the comments.
Otherwise, do you have any properties on the "Relationship Touchpoints" object that are always filled out?Maybe you could make a list of Companies that do have an associated relationship touchpoint and then use that list to exclude any companies from this current report!
Best, Kennedy
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Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
Hey @CWheeler4 & @karstenkoehler -- I did some more digging here and as it turns out, since the #Count of relationship touchpoints is a default measure as opposed to an object property, they cannot be used as filters at this time. At most, you can sort by these default measures.
I can absolutely see the value of this -- I encourage you to consider creating a post on our Ideas Forum here. If you find a similar idea, give it an upvote and share your unique use case in the comments.
Otherwise, do you have any properties on the "Relationship Touchpoints" object that are always filled out?Maybe you could make a list of Companies that do have an associated relationship touchpoint and then use that list to exclude any companies from this current report!
Best, Kennedy
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This seems to be an issue of your primary data source. If your primary data source is relationship touchpoints and if such a touchpoint does not exist, then HubSpot will not display it – it's primary and it's missing, so HubSpot cannot show it.
I see that you have two other data sources. Is "Client tier" from another data source? If so, try making it the primary data source and you should find that now companies are included that have zero touchpoints.
Best regards
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
This does not work. The main data source is 'Relationship Touchpoints', I have a column of 'Count of Relationship touchpoints', which includes more than 300 records. When I drag 'Count of Relationship Touchpoints' into the filter, it does not work. I tried 'Count of Companies' as well and that does not work either.
Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
@CWheeler4 can you please re-upload the screenshot? I'm only seeing the file name.
I was not suggesting to change the filters, I was suggesting to change the primary data source in the top left corner (click "Edit data sources").
HubSpot cannot count something which does not exist. If however you make another object the primary data source (e.g. companies), I can see you have three data sources in total, then HubSpot can now say that in relation to the new primary data source, there are 0 touchpoints.
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
Can you see it now?
My Primary Data source is 'Relationship Touchpoints', and I am looking to filter '# Count of relationship touchpoints.' [cid:02e5ce28-e6e1-4af2-8309-a5122b466681]
What are the two other data sources in your report? As I said before, you will not see a 0 if your touch points object is the primary data source. Another data source must be the primary one.
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
Hi @CWheeler4! Welcome to the Community-- happy to have you here 😊
Thanks for your post and including that screenshot. From what I understand, you are reporting on custom object associations and cannot add a custom object property to your report as a filter.
Could you post a full screenshot of the filter section in this report? A full view may help us understand why the filter is not being added. Additionally, if the filter is already used in the report, it cannot be added a second time.
To troubleshoot, you could create a new report with the same datasets to see if the filter can be added there. That may indicate an issue with your current report version. If needed, you can learn more about adding filters to custom reports.
I want to invite some subject matter experts to see if they have any suggestions.
Hey @franksteiner79, @johnelmer, do y'all have any thoughts on why we might have trouble adding this custom object property to the filters in a custom report? Thanks!
Best, Kennedy
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Report filtering '# of Count' of an activity equals Zero
Hi Kennedy,
Here is a screenshot of my setup. Neither of the 'Count of' default filters applies to the data. Is there something wrong with HubSpot, and should I issue a ticket?