Remove Closed Won/Lost Deals from card/sidebar view & add Deal Stage filter in Views
When viewing records in Hubspot, either in a Contact or Company record, it would be great to hide the deals associated with those records that are closed won & closed lost. Ideally, we would only be able to see open deals since that's what they are managing day in and day out.
If there were a way to set this as a default in the Deal-- record customization page that would be fantastic.
Similarly, in Deal Views, it would be great if there could be a high level filter (similar to "create date", "last activity date", "close date") that would allow you to only show open deals. I understand we can save filters to remove these deal stages, but the lack of this high level filter (for all deal stages) seems like a missed opportunity.
Remove Closed Won/Lost Deals from card/sidebar view & add Deal Stage filter in Views
Would love a solution for this! Our company is fairly new to HubSpot (approximately 6 months of active use) and our sales team members are already requesting the ability to hide old Closed Won/Closed Lost deals from the company and contact screens. Can't imagine the frustration this is going to cause as we continue to use HubSpot...
Remove Closed Won/Lost Deals from card/sidebar view & add Deal Stage filter in Views
What's the purpose of having an upvote feature in the It's also frustrating that the HS team puts the onus on people leaving comments in the community to also post it somewhere else - obviously, you've seen and read this - so wouldn't it make sense to step up and put it in the proper location so someone from product sees it?
Nov 9, 20223:38 AM - bearbeitet Nov 9, 20223:39 AM
Remove Closed Won/Lost Deals from card/sidebar view & add Deal Stage filter in Views
Shane, upvote the original post (oops, after I posted this I saw you did!) I don't think HS actually implements any of these, they should post examples of where they used EU feedback and actually implemented a change based on feedback. I've upvoted things from 2019 with a plethora of other upvotes and we're still waiting
Currently, our product team reviews all feature requests submitted via the ideas forum. I highly encourage you to submit these product suggestions!
Our product team can read your specific use case and understand why this would be a useful functionality or change. It also helps other customers facing the same issue to advocate for its implementation on your behalf by upvoting on the thread as well.
Thank you,
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