
Quotes - Signature requires agreement to Dropbox T&Cs

Did anyone get notified that Hubspot Quotes now require customers to agree to Dropbox T&Cs after they acquired HelloSign? Hubspot says they always have required agreement to HelloSign T&Cs, but I don't ever remember seeing this. 



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Quotes - Signature requires agreement to Dropbox T&Cs

Hi @CarlHodler, hope you are doing well!


When creating a quote, you have the option to use e-signatures on the quote - if you're using e-signatures, the recipient of the quote will see a button where they need to first verify their identity, then sign the quote.


HubSpot's e-signature feature is powered by HelloSign, but this is free and you do not need to create an account with HelloSign to use e-signatures if you're creating the quote on HubSpot. This article might be helpful as well: Use e-signatures with quotes


Hope this helps clarify, 


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