
Provide a company history for contact records


Our contacts can often have long-lasting relationships, that means we frequently take our business with a contact when they change companies.


It would be good to see a record (almost like a CV/LinkedIn listing) of previously associated companies.

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Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions
Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions

Provide a company history for contact records


Hi @MattPutt,


It's been a while but this is now possible. If you always update the currently associated company correctly, you can see the history of associations by clicking Actions > View association history:




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Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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3 Réponses

Provide a company history for contact records


Is there a way to update the association history?  So, for example, update that a lead worked for a company in the past that was a customer without changing their current company?

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Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions
Au panthéon de la communauté | Partenaire solutions

Provide a company history for contact records


Hi @MattPutt,


It's been a while but this is now possible. If you always update the currently associated company correctly, you can see the history of associations by clicking Actions > View association history:




You can make it easier for others to find this information by accepting this post as a solution. I'd appreciate it.


Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Ancien salarié HubSpot

Provide a company history for contact records


Hi Matt,


Have you looked at creating a custom contact property, calling it "Previous companies" for example, and populating the data in there? If there was multiple pieces of information needed, you could go as far as to create a series of properties under one group?

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