Problems with AI Location Formatting Suggestions [Beta]
The Location formatting beta is incorrectly flagging "A different format may be preferred" issue for State/Region contact property for *every* record on *every* import for us, despite the imports correctly loading the State abbreviations.
Problems with AI Location Formatting Suggestions [Beta]
Hey @IEllis-RM, thank you for posting in our Community!
To report a bug in the HubSpot beta product, you can follow these steps:
Visit the Product Updates page by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner and then selecting "Product updates" from the dropdown menu.
In the left sidebar menu, under "Early Access," navigate to "Betas" to review the list of available public beta features.
Locate the beta related to the issue you are experiencing and click "Leave beta" to opt out of the beta.
After leaving the beta, you can submit a bug report to HubSpot's support team by reaching out to them directly through the support channels or by using the feedback mechanism within the beta feature itself.
If you need further assistance, you can find more information on how to opt into public beta features and report issues on the HubSpot Knowledge Base.
Problems with AI Location Formatting Suggestions [Beta]
Hey @IEllis-RM, thank you for posting in our Community!
To report a bug in the HubSpot beta product, you can follow these steps:
Visit the Product Updates page by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner and then selecting "Product updates" from the dropdown menu.
In the left sidebar menu, under "Early Access," navigate to "Betas" to review the list of available public beta features.
Locate the beta related to the issue you are experiencing and click "Leave beta" to opt out of the beta.
After leaving the beta, you can submit a bug report to HubSpot's support team by reaching out to them directly through the support channels or by using the feedback mechanism within the beta feature itself.
If you need further assistance, you can find more information on how to opt into public beta features and report issues on the HubSpot Knowledge Base.