I'm trying to make certain cards in the left sidebar be prioritized automatically for all users using our default view so they're "always on top" (see below) .
The cards are connected to a conditional display logic that removes the card highlighted above and shows another (displayed below) when the deal is progressing through the pipeline (switching deal stages).
That new card always get added to the bottom of the list, which is a hassle since the cards that remain consistent throughout the whole pipeline "about this deal" and "boiler info" has many properties that users will have to scroll through.
I've prioritized these conditional cards in the page editor (as shown below), but this doesn't seem to help with the issue.
Any ideas? Is there a solution to this that I am missing?
Just to clarify; did you get this to work including the forementioned conditional display logic? I have the display logic for each of our open stage in our Pipeline.
Apologies for not providing these screenshots in my original post.
Hmm ok thanks @kennedyp. Good thinking with double-checking the the team views. Did it now, but as we only have one default team view available, this shouldn't be the issue.
Hi @KHKrantz! Welcome to the Community-- happy to have you here 😊
I tested this in my own account and found that the new sections would be added in the same order I saved them in the Record Customization settings. I want to invite some subject matter experts to see if they have any suggestions.