
Printing Emails and Email Trails


On occasion we need to print an email trail from HubSpot, either directly to the printer or as a PDF.


As well as email trails, printing of individual emails is also necessary at times.


I have been told that this is not possible, but surely we aren't the only ones who have had a need for this.

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Printing Emails and Email Trails


Hi @KWright19,


This is unfortunately not possible at this stage. As far as workarounds go, these are the current option:

  • Copy and paste of the email information into a word document, print word document
  • Take screenshot and paste into a supported documented, print document
  • Print email directly from client, not HubSpot (e.g. from within Outlook, Gmail)


However, you're right, other users have requested this before:


These requests submitted to the HubSpot Ideas section of the community are reviewed by the HubSpot product team, based on their popularity and the assumed demand. I'd recommend commenting and upvoting.


You can also help other HubSpot users find this request more easily (and drive traction) by accepting my reply as a solution. I'd appreciate it, too.


Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Printing Emails and Email Trails


Thanks Karsten, not the "solution" I wanted.  I have upvoted.  I know many developers want us to be completely paperless and discourage printing, but I find this attitude to be condescending and not realistic in the "real" world, where at least a PDF would solve some problems.

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Printing Emails and Email Trails


One solution to print email trails or individual emails from HubSpot is to use your browser’s print functionality. After opening the specific email or email thread, click on the three dots in the top-right corner of the email window to access more options. From there, select "View in Browser," which opens the email in a new tab. Then, use the browser's print option (Ctrl+P or Command+P) to print the email or save it as a PDF. This approach allows flexibility in printing both full email threads and individual emails directly from HubSpot.

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Printing Emails and Email Trails


one more thing, one can also just copy the link of webpage and insert link of all the bulk email list to excel, you can directly extract the list

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Printing Emails and Email Trails


Hi @KWright19


Printing email trails or individual emails directly from HubSpot is not a built-in feature within the platform. While you can attempt to print emails using your browser's print function, users have reported that this method often leads to formatting issues. As a workaround, many users forward the emails to an external email account and print them from there. Unfortunately, HubSpot does not offer a straightforward, integrated print option for emails, a feature many users have requested but has yet to be implemented.


Best regards!

Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

Printing Emails and Email Trails


Printing email trails or individual emails from HubSpot is possible. You can print directly to a printer or save as a PDF by using the browser's print function. Simply open the email, right-click, and select "Print." This should work for both full trails and individual emails.

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Printing Emails and Email Trails


Hi @KWright19,


This is unfortunately not possible at this stage. As far as workarounds go, these are the current option:

  • Copy and paste of the email information into a word document, print word document
  • Take screenshot and paste into a supported documented, print document
  • Print email directly from client, not HubSpot (e.g. from within Outlook, Gmail)


However, you're right, other users have requested this before:


These requests submitted to the HubSpot Ideas section of the community are reviewed by the HubSpot product team, based on their popularity and the assumed demand. I'd recommend commenting and upvoting.


You can also help other HubSpot users find this request more easily (and drive traction) by accepting my reply as a solution. I'd appreciate it, too.


Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Printing Emails and Email Trails


Thanks Karsten, not the "solution" I wanted.  I have upvoted.  I know many developers want us to be completely paperless and discourage printing, but I find this attitude to be condescending and not realistic in the "real" world, where at least a PDF would solve some problems.

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