
Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


I have a single form in which i have a dropdown field with the item name listed, item not listed , and i dont have one so based on that i want to notify my internal team. If any of item is selected or item not listed i will notify user (A)&(C) and if anybody select i dont have one i want to notify user (B)&(D) with all the form submission details.
How can i achieve this through form level or workflow and how ?

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


@Ishan5 it's difficult to explain when you're not answering my questions. I'll try and share a draft of a workflow. This is what it could look like. In the branch criteria, select your property from the form where a person can select item listed / item not listed.




You can then place an email notification in each branch.


If you have any follow-up questions let me know.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


Hi @Ishan5,


This would require a contact-based workflow.

  1. Enroll contacts based on the form submission
  2. As the first workflow action, add a branch (click + sign and pick 'Branch' from the left sidebar)
  3. Choose AND/OR logic
  4. Create a branch for each selection
  5. In each branch / path, place an internal email notification

Let me know if you're getting stuck and if so at which point.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


Thanks @karstenkoehler 
I'm getting stuck at sending internal email notification with all of the contact information submitted How can i achieve that If item selected or not selected


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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


@Ishan5 whether an item was selected or not would be defined within the branch (AND/OR logic). In a branch, click 'Add filter' and under 'Contact properties' find the property from the form where the item is selected or not.


If you share a screenshot of the property name and property options, I can build a draft.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


I've created a workflow regarding that but want to notify different user based on the selection made with full form submission details can i achieve this?

Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


@Ishan5 it's difficult to explain when you're not answering my questions. I'll try and share a draft of a workflow. This is what it could look like. In the branch criteria, select your property from the form where a person can select item listed / item not listed.




You can then place an email notification in each branch.


If you have any follow-up questions let me know.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

Beratungstermin mit Karsten vereinbaren


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Notify different user with all of the contact information submitted


Thanks @karstenkoehler 
I've created personalized token regarding notifying user and using branches logic now i'm able to send form submission details to users.

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