We are using Danish, Swedish and Norweigan kronor/kroner for different deals, but since they have the same code (kr), we cannot differentiate when looking at for example the line item view. Is there a way to set up so we choose the sign for the currency, Norweigan kroner shows as NOK and Danish kroner as DKK instead of kr?
Would you be able to include a full screenshot of your company currencies please? The format column should display the currencies with symbols specific to each currency alongside the number:
Can you confirm that you are seeing the same format in your account? The format column is where HubSpot differentiate currencies.
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Thanks for the screenshot! It looks like the format column has the right currency data format as accounts display the same format.
In regards to the deal properties, I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and further information about this.
Thank you,
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