
Multiple Invoices showing on Subscriptions

Hey All,


I am trying out Subscriptions now for Recurring revenue in Hubspot. However when I set a Subscription to be billed from today, Annually and I set the Number of Expected Payments to 1 (So we only want to bill them once for the year). I get it where Hubspot tells me they're sending an invoice today and then at the end of the contract?


Also whilst I have people here, has anyone had it that when you put recurring items on your Subscription and a one off payment it doesnt show in the related line items?

Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 15.24.43.png

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1 Réponse
Gestionnaire de communauté
Gestionnaire de communauté

Multiple Invoices showing on Subscriptions

Hi @DCrinnion1, I hope that you are well!

Thanks for asking the Community!

First, I'd like to share these resources that might be of interest to you:

- Track recurring revenue in HubSpot
- HubSpot's payments and subscriptions properties

I also wanted to invite a couple of subject matter experts and Community Members to this conversation: Hi @MPalmer6, @PAmend1987, @trevordjones, @DLee8, @HFisher7 and @ScottPennwood do you have suggestions to help @DCrinnion1, please?

Thanks so much and have a wonderful day!


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