Move closed won and closed lost from deals dashboard
Is there a way to move deals closed won or closed lost from the deal dashboard? I know I can filter; just wanted to remove them from current deal dashboard when looking at all deals.
I recommend that you do create a filter - you can then always save that filter as a view and return to it whenever you want to.
Another solution might be to create a seperate pipeline for those deals - but moving all closed won deals to a different pipeline could really play havoc with your reporting so I'm not sure its really a solution.
Move closed won and closed lost from deals dashboard
Once a deal is 'closed won' we need to begin customer onboarding. Solutions presented to us have included moving the deal automatically into a new pipeline for onboarding (but I don't want to lose the closed loop sales reporting) or using workflows to execute onboarding. Any insights into best practices would be appreciated.
Move closed won and closed lost from deals dashboard
the only option to have all the data saved while moving the deal to the next pipeline is to use deal cloning workflows that simply create a new Onboarding deal on the new pipeline with all the data and contacts saved. This time the old deal would stay frozen at the closed won stage to pop up in the funnel reporting for sales and the newly created would go through the onboarding pipeline.
Move closed won and closed lost from deals dashboard
It is rarely a good idea to delete or move deals from the "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost" deal stages. You lose a whole lot of historical sales and closed-loop marketing reporting data when you do so.
I too agree that almost everyone should be looking at the deal board through custom filters. However, if the build-up is in the "Closed Lost" deal stage, it most likely means that your deal stages are not optimized. Deals are getting on your deal board that are not really deals yet because your deal criteria starts too early in your sales process. This might not be the case in your company, but it is something for you and the others looking this thread to examine.
Move closed won and closed lost from deals dashboard
Thank you. I'm not trying to move them from the stage closed won or closed lost; only trying to move from the view so it doesn't clutter. I do realize easy to set a filter excluding these deals. It would just be nice to have these on their own board once they've been moved to closed won or closed lost.
Move closed won and closed lost from deals dashboard
I would like to share an approach that works for us. As a newbie, I found a lack of archiving functionality very frustrating upon realising we couldn't archive a deal so I hope this method saves people feeling the same (it shouldn't have to be this hard, HubSpot!).
It uses a combination of filtering and workflows, so it requires CRM Professional or above.
(other users could archive each deal manually)
First, create a custom deal property Is archived.
Then, create a workflow.
When a deal enters a stage that you would consider closed (e.g. Closed Won), add a step to wait a given period of time (we let our deals sit in Won Closed for 30 days so they are easy to find and we have a 30 day running total of revenue at the bottom of the column). Unenroll the deal if it leaves any of these stages.
After waiting for the required duration, set the deal property Is archived to Yes.
Now I can filter my view based upon the property Is archived being false.
At first, our HubSpot specialists recommended we filter on the close date, but this didn't feel like the right approach. I hope this helps!
I recommend that you do create a filter - you can then always save that filter as a view and return to it whenever you want to.
Another solution might be to create a seperate pipeline for those deals - but moving all closed won deals to a different pipeline could really play havoc with your reporting so I'm not sure its really a solution.