This is not something possible at this stage, I'd recommend posting an Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this. That way other users can upvote it; and the Product Team regularly monitors the Forum
What are you saying? That new deals immediately set to Closed Won are not requiring ...
-1- Deal source* and Closed Won Reason* ?? (error)
or -2- ANY 'required' properties from PREVIOUS STAGES? (expected bahavior)
or -3- ANY 'required' properties? (error)
In the case of item #2, this is expected behavior because the previous stages were never landed on in HubSpot. As such, mandatory deal stage properties need to be added to every subsequent deal stage.
Example: If we want Deal Description mandatory at the Solution Presented (50%) stage AND closing time, we need to include it as a mandatory field in the Solution Presented stage and ALL SUBSEQUENT STAGES.
That way, any deal created that lands on the Solution Presented (50%) stage or any stage after it will require the data we need.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
Mandatory properties on Deals get skipped when creating a deal
I have noticed the same issue when creating deals. When a deal is created, the only "Required Properties" are the ones that are mandatory Hubspot Defaults (Deal Name* and Pipeline*).
When creating a deal, after selecting a deal pipeline and selecting a deal stage, the custom required properties don't even appear for me to enter data! I have to "Create" the deal with these properties empty, and then change the Deal Stage to a different stage, and then back again to the Deal Stage with Required Properties.
Thank you for your reply. My understanding is that the option outlined by @MFrankJohnson creates a universal required property on all deals. My concern regards required properties that are unique to the deal stage and deal pipeline.
There are properties that are critical to specific deals but are unnecessary to others. This is where my concern comes into play.
nov 27, 201911:36 AM - editado nov 27, 201911:39 AM
Mandatory properties on Deals get skipped when creating a deal
is it posible to set obligatory properties on creation per pipeline?
the default properties affect every pipeline thats why it would be better if at creation time requires the obligatory properties of the stage its placed.
Mandatory properties on Deals get skipped when creating a deal
Hi Frank,
Thanks for the quick response!
The required fields (with a * marking) will be skipped for every stage in the funnel, except for the properties that show up when creating a deal. It will also skip the required properties that are on 'Won', so I would guess it's a combination of two and three.
Mandatory properties on Deals get skipped when creating a deal
this is not the approprate answer. asking reps to add unnsissary/ addtional info when creating a deal just leads to more work and bad data. most of these requrired fields are further down the pipepine, a rep might not know the answer or just put junk in when creating a deal so they can move on.
Mandatory properties on Deals get skipped when creating a deal
@MFrankJohnson@jennysowyrda I'm not sure these solutions are really solving the initial problem. I have the same issue with "required" properties being skipped at deal creation.
In my industry we have a lot of information we like to track: labor hours sold, project cost, proposal number, etc. These propertiess are required as a NEW deal moves through the pipeline stages. NONE of these properties would be known with a "NEW" deal. The deal is "NEW": I don't have all the particulars yet, I don't know exactly what the project will entail, I don't have a proposal yet, so I can't have a proposal these properties CANNOT be required when I create a deal...but I can enter the deal into my pipeline in order to track it, remember it, talk about it, manage my sales reps, etc.
Sometimes a deal is NEW and WON on the same day. If upon creating a deal, I set the deal stage to WON, I bypass ALL required fields from ALL the stages except for the create stage.
To be example
IF I create a deal and set the deal stage to WON, I am NOT required to enter in how many labor hours were sold or what the proposal number is.
IF I make the "Labor Hours Sold" and "Proposal Number" properties required when creating a deal, I cannot create the deal as I do not have those pieces of information yet. (and our sales reps will just input nonsense in order to create the deal and our data will be false)
A simple suggestion: Remove "Deal Stage" from the default,required properties list when creating a deal. No choice given upon creating a deal. Have it default to the first stage upon creation. Give users the option of adding it to Create Deal. That way, every deal, when created will start at the beginning of the pipeline. In this way, the required properties for each stage will remain required.
Mandatory properties on Deals get skipped when creating a deal
>>"This feature works fine for making properties mandatory when moving deal stage but apart from moving deal stage, we need to make properties conditionnaly mandatory."
No, this solution works when MOVING, CREATING, AND CLOSING deals. Conditionally mandatory properties were not asked for or referenced in the original query here.
Good idea -- in the proper context.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.