New to Hubspot, and the email marketing world. When organizing to upload a list of contacts i know that you can't leave any spaces open or else the system will detect it as an error. I have split names to first and last name columns. However, some of those names have middle names, second last names or long last names (example De La Cruz). Would it be okay if I left De La Cruz in the Last Name column, or will that cause a problem since there are 3 words in that cell?
Yes it would be correct to include more than 1 word in last name column. You can split 3 words name into First Name and Last Name so that we the contact names are filled into CRM properly.
Yes it would be correct to include more than 1 word in last name column. You can split 3 words name into First Name and Last Name so that we the contact names are filled into CRM properly.