
Importing Contacts With the Same Multiple Values


Hi there,


I'm having trouble figuring out how I should proceed with importing my contact data via spreadsheet.


I'm limited to the amount of 'phone number, or 'email' properties I can use. Most of my contacts have more than one property of each. I'm currently on the free version of the CRM.


Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 5.48.22 PM.png


What are my options?

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Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Gold
Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Gold

Importing Contacts With the Same Multiple Values


Hi @ozs 


You can create Custom Properties for each of your spreadsheet columns e.g. Phone 4


Then, when you import your contacts, you map the column in your spreadsheet to your Custom Property.


Tip: in your Spreadsheet make your column header has the same as your property name and HubSpot will try and map the columns automatically.


Have fun


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Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Gold
Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Gold

Importing Contacts With the Same Multiple Values


Hi @ozs 


You can create Custom Properties for each of your spreadsheet columns e.g. Phone 4


Then, when you import your contacts, you map the column in your spreadsheet to your Custom Property.


Tip: in your Spreadsheet make your column header has the same as your property name and HubSpot will try and map the columns automatically.


Have fun



Importing Contacts With the Same Multiple Values


Of course, or I can also create custom properties for the columns after I import.


Will HubSpot recognize it as a "phone number" for me to "dial," rather than just seeing it as a string of text?


Which field type will it be under?


Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 8.33.42 PM.png

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Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Gold
Experto reconocido | Partner nivel Gold

Importing Contacts With the Same Multiple Values


Hi @ozs 


My assumption – I haven't tried it myself – is the only "phone" fields that work with dialing are the default HubSpot Phone Fields e.g. Phone Number and Mobile Phone Number.


Both appear to be normal text fields but I don't know how they are handled with respect to dialing.


Have fun


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