
Import Numbers - Decimal Separator Problem

Hi there, 

I am curious if someone else is facing this problem when importing numbers: 


Our account is set to the German, so our decimal separator is a comma. When I import a excel file with numbers using the comma as separator, I still have to select the US number format during the import, otherwise the numbers will be imported with the dot as decimal separator. 

Currently we have to be very careful with all number properties, because there are different ways to handle this issue depending on the type of contact creation or update: 

a) Via the UI: we are using the comma as separator
b) Via API (Zapier): only dot can be used as separator 
c) Import: import with comma but tell hubspot that it's a dot

Does anyone have the same or similar problems? 

1 Antwort

Import Numbers - Decimal Separator Problem

Hi @MKröner7


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

I wanted to tag in a couple of subject matter experts to see if they have any input on this matter:

Hi @franksteiner79@fabianschmidt@mariomaier, have you encountered a similar behaviour? Thank you!


Mia, Community Team    

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