
Hubspot calculation property - Function power/exponent

Hi Hubspot community,


As we are a bank, we need to calculate interest rates. I created a new property, however, I need the power function / exponent for my calculation.


Here is my function: [Loan amount × APR/12]/[1−(1 + APR/12)^−Term


Hubspot told me that was not possible. Do you have an idea to manage this problem or handle this limit?


Thank you so much,

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Hubspot calculation property - Function power/exponent

Hi @PriscillaMB 

Can you please share more information? About the limit?

Can try using custom javascript, using



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Hubspot calculation property - Function power/exponent

Hi @psdtohubspot 


I am not sure to understand the link you send me.


I create a new property on the deal (not on a form) to calculate the monthly payment for a loan. The calculation is: [Loan amount × APR/12]/[1−(1 + APR/12)^−Term

Loan amount, APR (rate in %) and Term are other custom properties I created on the deal.


However I don't reach to set up my formula because of the system limit, I can not use an exponential function



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