To find the primary company associated with a contact, you can use the CRM Associations API. This API allows you to retrieve associations between contacts and companies, including the primary company. Look for the association type primary when querying. You can find more details in HubSpot’s API documentation to guide you through the implementation.
To find the primary company associated with a contact, you can use the CRM Associations API. This API allows you to retrieve associations between contacts and companies, including the primary company. Look for the association type primary when querying. You can find more details in HubSpot’s API documentation to guide you through the implementation.
How to find primary companies associated with contacts
Hey @PamCotton, Thanks for your response it is really helpfull. I found this API endpoint{fromObjectType}/{toObjectType}/batch/read for associtaion of contacts. But my further question is in this API, is there any limit of result? Because i found "after" field here but not found any limit. i think it is retriving all records depends on input id