If you have a required field for a deal stage, like 'lost business reason' you can elude having to enter the property by using the bulk edit UX.
For example, in our portal you can't close a lead without a reason... it's a prompt. If you change the deal stage from the bulk edit UX you don't need to enter the reason.
This has caused a major reporting headache going back months. Please fix.
I agree, fields aren't actually required if they can be bypassed.
Other users have requested this before and the best way to signal HubSpot should prioritize this is by upvoting and sharing those existing requests. The product team reviews these requests by popularity.
I agree, fields aren't actually required if they can be bypassed.
Other users have requested this before and the best way to signal HubSpot should prioritize this is by upvoting and sharing those existing requests. The product team reviews these requests by popularity.