I'm can't remember if I have asked this question of the community - so sorry if I have. Also, my basic searches didn't show up a similar topic, so sorry there too if this has been asked by someone else and answered.
I'm trying to work out how I might tag Deals and HubSpot more generally to be able to add PWin (and even include a guide on how best to calculate it) and PGo to then present deals with a PoA.
Deals seem be shown in stages...milestone I guess...and I can see you can place a percentage against each milestone. My guess is the intent is the percentage at each mileston you use is getter higher as you progress to contract win. But metrics aren't as clear cut as that. I've found you need to periodically review the PWin (product related mainly - internal) and PGo (budget related mainly customer) to determine that probability of award (PoA=PWinxPGo).
I may have asked this question and I think the answer was HubSpot isn't set-up that way - but maybe someone has an idea how I can use HubSpot Deals and Reports to give me these metrics without having to resort to seperate Excel Workbooks
We use Shipley pGo and pWin in Hubspot. Here's how I implemented it.
Firstly, our data definition for this to work:
We say the Forecast Category field is equivalent to pWin, and
the Deal Stage is equivalent to pGo.
So: to set a Deal's pwin or pgo, you use those two fields.
So if you're using the board view of Deals, moving left to right, you are increasing the Deal Stage.
I put deal probability into the pipeline to match our judgement on what % pGo suit the named stages we chose. There are more stages in Shipley's method, but we simplified it down to five (the sixth is closed won), like this:
System fields used by Hubspot consequently work like this, so some built-in reports will work.
Deal Probability
Is pGo. A field, automatically set by Hubspot to be the % defined by <Deal Stage>. Useful in display in reports. Cannot be renamed to pGo, as it's a Hubspot system field.
Forecast Probability
Is result of pwin x pGo. A Hubspot system field, which is used automatically by the built-in (not very useful) Forecast feature. Workflow sets its value to be the same as pGo pWin factor (system)
I also created a few custom fields:
Is pWin. Is the decimal equivalent to whatever <forecast category> is set to. Used in display and reports, because it's shorter "pWin" and is what users will expect to look for. Users should not directly edit this though, since ... its value is automatically set through a Workflow.
pGo pWin factor
Factor of pGo [deal probability, which automatically comes from Deal Stage] x pWin [forecast category]. Calculated field usingpWin x Deal Probability
Factored amount
The really useful field. Probably what you want to add to forecasting reports. It should be used instead of "weighted amount" field. Is based on Deal amount x pWin x pGo. Calculated field using pGo pWin factor.