
How to Calculate PoA using PWin and PGo


Hi There,

I'm can't remember if I have asked this question of the community - so sorry if I have. Also, my basic searches didn't show up a similar topic, so sorry there too if this has been asked by someone else and answered.

I'm trying to work out how I might tag Deals and HubSpot more generally to be able to add PWin (and even include a guide on how best to calculate it) and PGo to then present deals with a PoA.

Deals seem be shown in stages...milestone I guess...and I can see you can place a percentage against each milestone. My guess is the intent is the percentage at each mileston you use is getter higher as you progress to contract win. But metrics aren't as clear cut as that. I've found you need to periodically review the PWin (product related mainly - internal) and PGo (budget related mainly customer) to determine that probability of award (PoA=PWinxPGo).

I may have asked this question and I think the answer was HubSpot isn't set-up that way - but maybe someone has an idea how I can use HubSpot Deals and Reports to give me these metrics without having to resort to seperate Excel Workbooks

Thanks in advance.


1 Soluciones aceptada
Líder intelectual | Partner nivel Platinum
Líder intelectual | Partner nivel Platinum

How to Calculate PoA using PWin and PGo


Hey @APerry9 

so HubSpot has some deal score properties

that consider a lot of things, including the deal stage

and deal amount.

Here is more info on how it work

Do you think this might be useful for your?


Another options is to have a custom calculated property to make your own formula/calculation

and get your own scores.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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2 Respuestas 2

How to Calculate PoA using PWin and PGo


Thanks. I'll check these both out.

Líder intelectual | Partner nivel Platinum
Líder intelectual | Partner nivel Platinum

How to Calculate PoA using PWin and PGo


Hey @APerry9 

so HubSpot has some deal score properties

that consider a lot of things, including the deal stage

and deal amount.

Here is more info on how it work

Do you think this might be useful for your?


Another options is to have a custom calculated property to make your own formula/calculation

and get your own scores.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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