How do you import address information (city,state) from Company to Deal
Q: I would like to have the city and state populate from Company automatically into Deal. Any sugestions??
Short A: n/a
Longer A: Since City and State aren't default HubSpot Deal properties, you'll want to create custom Deal properties. Once done, you'll want to build a workflow to auto-copy each Company City and States property to a Deal when created. - see HubSpot's default deal properties - see Create custom properties
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How do you import address information (city,state) from Company to Deal
Q: I would like to have the city and state populate from Company automatically into Deal. Any sugestions??
Short A: n/a
Longer A: Since City and State aren't default HubSpot Deal properties, you'll want to create custom Deal properties. Once done, you'll want to build a workflow to auto-copy each Company City and States property to a Deal when created. - see HubSpot's default deal properties - see Create custom properties
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