
How do we bulk remove email associations from a deal record?



We are trying to find a way to bulk remove certain sales emails from deal records and only keeping emails from the deal owner. We have found that there are too many unrelevant emails being recorded on the deal record and the only way to remove them is to manually unassociate them. It seems like the only other option is to code a custom way to automate these actions. Does anyone else have any experience with this issue?

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Community Manager

How do we bulk remove email associations from a deal record?

Hi @SHinojosa3, I hope that you are well!

Great question, thank you for asking the Community!

I'd like to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation: Hi @HFisher7, @louischausse and @miljkovicmisa do you have suggestions to help @SHinojosa3, please?

Also, if anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thank you very much and have a lovely day!


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