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avr. 22, 20185:47 AM - modifié janv. 25, 20226:11 AM
Leader d'opinion
How do can I make the company url clickable in contacts
Q: How do can I make the company url clickable in contacts
Short A: HubSpot's 'Website URL' contact property is already clickable from both 'Filter' mode AND 'Preview' mode.
Longer A:
HubSpot has a built-in 'Website URL' contact property that is already clickable. You may also add as many secondary single line text contact properties (or company properties) as you like. Each will be clickable in 'Preview' mode of both the contact record and company record as follows.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
avr. 22, 20185:47 AM - modifié janv. 25, 20226:11 AM
Leader d'opinion
How do can I make the company url clickable in contacts
Q: How do can I make the company url clickable in contacts
Short A: HubSpot's 'Website URL' contact property is already clickable from both 'Filter' mode AND 'Preview' mode.
Longer A:
HubSpot has a built-in 'Website URL' contact property that is already clickable. You may also add as many secondary single line text contact properties (or company properties) as you like. Each will be clickable in 'Preview' mode of both the contact record and company record as follows.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.