
Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Anyone else having challenges with customers getting stuck in a continuous verification loop when they are trying to sign a Quote?
The customer hits "Verify to sign" on the quote - gets the email - clicks the link to validate - then starts the whole cycle over again.
Any coaching or help?

14 Replies 14
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Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Hi everyone in this thread and anyone who comes by this thread,


We want to make sure you are being heard and working with the proper teams at HubSpot.


The community is not the best channel for this kind of this question because we do not have access to the troubleshooting tools to investigate this issue.  


This continuous loop can be caused by a variety of factors on the recipient's end, such as a VPN or an email security software tool such as Mimecast. As such, there isn't one solution that fits all for this endless loop issue. 


We hear you on this being a frustrating issue and understand how this can impact your business. 

If you are running into this issue and are a paid customer, please reach out to our technical support team and collect a HAR file from your customer so our support team can better diagnose this issue. They are able to provide real-time assistance and have access to tools to troubleshoot this matter.


If you have already contacted support, I would recommend flagging this behavior with your Customer Success Manager or HubSpot representative who can file a roadblock for you. 


Thank you,

Kristen, HubSpot Community Team

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Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

I've been experiencing this loop issue like once a month. It has such a huge impact. It's awful

Community Manager
Community Manager

Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Hi @BJacobs6,


I apologize for any impact this may be causing, 


I would recommend following the steps in my original post (clear cache & disconnect from the VPN) to see if this resolves the issue.


If it continues, I would advise contacting HubSpot Technical Support as this type of issue requires deep troubleshooting and access to your account. They will be able to provide real-time support where you can share screenshots or videos of this behavior in addition to the affected quotes. 


Thank you,


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Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

@kvlschaefer to be clear.. this issue happens when we send a quote for signature + payment to our client. The client is the one who experiences the friction/frustration (subsequently us when we lose deals from it). 


We experienced this today w/ a $30k contract. Asking the client to clear cache, disable ad blockers, disconnect from VPN, etc. when trying to close a web development deal erodes trust in our teams ability to execute technical work. 


It also creates distrust in entering payment details since the experience was already broken at the signature step.

In our case (and I assume everyone else) asking a new client to join a Hubspot Tech Support troubleshooting session in order to close a contract is 100% not an option


I sincerely appreciate you continuing to respond to this thread. We need this issue escalated internally at Hubspot as it's an issue with the platform and not something we can replicate via tech support (without our client who is experiencing the issue present at least).

HubSpot makes money when our payments are processed. As such, this issue directly affects their bottom line and ability to grow in payment processing.


Please escalate 🙏

Looking forward,

Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

100% it's insane how the support keeps telling us to fix things on our end. Show how far they are from understanding the problem. Probably worth asking a question or two. Such a huge impact. I've literally lost deals over this. 


Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Any updates on this? As others have said, this is causing massive friction in our process & advising the client to clear cache etc doesn't sound professional/ensure confidence, as @RFerrara stated

Community Manager
Community Manager

Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Hi @CDunham-Wilkie, hope you are doing well!

Please follow @kvlschaefer advice.





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Community Manager

Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Hi @RFerrara@JRimbey, and @mattymow,


I apologize for any data impact or business impact this may be causing.


If clearing the cache and disabling your VPN/Ad blocker do not resolve this issue, I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription. They will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and further information about this.


Thank you,


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Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

We've also experienced this loop recently. Creates a ton of friction in the sale process. We're trying @kvlschaefer solution below - wondering if an internal firewall could also be the issue?

Looking forward,
Community Manager
Community Manager

Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Hi @mattymow,


Thanks for reaching out! 

I apologize for any data or business impact this may have caused.


If you're still experiencing this issue, I would recommend trying out the steps I listed below, in addition to disabling your VPN or extensions such as ad blockers. 


Could you please try those steps out and let us know how it goes?


Thank you!




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Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

We tried to cache clearing and incognito with no luck. Not using VPN or ad blockers. This creates massive friction in the closing process. Can you escalate?

Looking forward,
Community Manager
Community Manager

Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

Hi @JRimbey,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!


If your client is still experiencing the issue,  could you have them try to sign the quote after clearing cache? I've included a couple of step-by-step articles below from Google below for you. 

Google | Clear cache and cookies

Google | Incognito mode

Once they've cleared the cache and cookies, they should be to view this page without any issue. If the issue is still persisting, they may need to try it out in Incognito mode to see if they're able to view the page.


If you can try these steps out and let us know how it goes, that'd be great!


Thank you!




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Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

This is happening again. Right now. I don't think having a soon to be customer and advising them to "clear their cache" and then if that doesn't work, "try incognito mode" seems very professional, nor does it inspire security confidence. 
To get around this, we are using Docusign.


Getting signature on a Quote - continues verification loop

We are also having this problem.  Have sent hundreds of quotes in the past with no issue until a week or 2 ago when this started.  It was intermittent at first but is now effecting all quotes we try to send.  To test the "clear cache" suggestion I designated myself as the signor and a colleague as a co-signer.  Clearing cache, cookies, browsing data, etc. did NOT work.  It would be rather awkward to ask a client  to go into incognito mode in order to view something we sent.