I have some contact records with a first name listing husband and wife in the following format: Tony/Tammy. Because my data includes names typed in all caps or all lowercase, I used Operations Hub > Data Quality Automation to clean up contact names so they only have the first letter of first name and last name capitalized. However, Tony/Tammy became Tony/tammy. How do I filter contacts to show only those who have / in the first name? Wildcard */* did not work. Thanks in advance for responses!
If the wildcard option doesn't work (weird...), you could export all of your contacts, filter the export file by "/", re-import the email address column for these filtered contacts and check the option to create a list during the import process. Since all of these contacts already exist in HubSpot, HubSpot will simply create a list.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Just FYI, if one has Operations Hub (which I do), HubSpot support says I can write a custom workflow to identify customers with / in the first name and capitalize the letter following the /. Haven't done custom code in a workflow yet, so I guess I have a new thing to play with. In the meantime, your solution will work. Thanks!
If the wildcard option doesn't work (weird...), you could export all of your contacts, filter the export file by "/", re-import the email address column for these filtered contacts and check the option to create a list during the import process. Since all of these contacts already exist in HubSpot, HubSpot will simply create a list.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Just FYI, if one has Operations Hub (which I do), HubSpot support says I can write a custom workflow to identify customers with / in the first name and capitalize the letter following the /. Haven't done custom code in a workflow yet, so I guess I have a new thing to play with. In the meantime, your solution will work. Thanks!