
Error - Loading contact in inbox page


About 3 days ago I've been experiencing an error when opening a message and trying to load the contact info.
Anyone know whats going on or when it will be solved?



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Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Hi Pam, 


Thanks for your answer. Actually, I`ve found a workaround. The contact that has the e-mail of all leads that came in inbox was manually removed from our contact lists, than all messages couldn`t load that contact, of course....

I created that contact again, and told my team to use the button "unassociate" instead of removing the contact.

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-21 at 10.17.26.jpeg

Now is working fine! 


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Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Hello @GTrilha,


Thank you for the HAR, investigating more with previous cases, Unknown visitor in conversation can appear if someone manually disassociated the thread. If you check for the email inside the contact record you will be able to see the email conversation associated and records from contact creation history from "conversation". 


Please note: when an email is forwarded to a hosted email address in the conversations inbox, by default, HubSpot associates that email to the contact record with the From email address in the original email, not the forwarder's email address. This ensures that the emails are correctly associated with contacts if you're using an automated forwarding rule in your inbox. Learn how to manage your forwarding rules in the inbox


Are the emails forwarded to HubSpot also contains the original email of the sender so they are associated with the Contacts? And the contact that was not associate and showed as "unknown visitor" was a new or existing contact?


PS: Tambem gostaria de informar que vejo que essa conversa estaria em português, se preferir postar sua pergunta tambem nessa seção em português aqui  com todas as informações que foi alterada antes disso acontecer,  e o passo a passo em como esses emails foram criados nossos experts podem lhe ajudar tambem.


Thank you/Obrigada,


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Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Hi Pam, 


Thanks for your answer. Actually, I`ve found a workaround. The contact that has the e-mail of all leads that came in inbox was manually removed from our contact lists, than all messages couldn`t load that contact, of course....

I created that contact again, and told my team to use the button "unassociate" instead of removing the contact.

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-21 at 10.17.26.jpeg

Now is working fine! 

0 いいね!

Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Hi @GTrilha 


Thank you for letting us know your solution!


PS: Esperamos você tambem na nossa Comunidade em Português futuramente 🙂



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Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Hi @GTrilha 


Thank you for reaching out. 


Would you mind trying to clear your cache following those steps, as well as trying with another browser and with an incognito window? 


If this is still happening, could you clarify if this is happening with all the contacts or some of them? 


Thank you!



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Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Actually it is happenning in others computers and in icognito mode..
The error scenario is this:
1 - I receive in my gmail account every new lead as a new email.

2 - My gmail account is connected to hubspot Inbox.

3 - A new lead comes it creates a new chat message in my inbox, and the contact comes with the lead name,  but the email is the same for all the leads that comes.

4 - So, the last lead that came in my inbox works fine, as the image below:

And I was able to edit the contact and change it e-mail in the right panel.

5- But all the leads that came before the last changed it name to unkown visitor, and it doesnt load the right panel to change it values. As you can see in the image below:

Screen Shot 2020-12-18 at 5.30.29 PM.png


I`m trying to understand and notify about this problem because we`ve been using hubspot inbox like that normally for more than a year, and only this week this error started to happend.

Thanks in advance!

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Error - Loading contact in inbox page


Hi @GTrilha 


Thank you for your reply


I have sent you a DM with next steps. 


Thank you!



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