Emails from Outlook not logging with colleagues in CC
Hi, i'm new to using CRM with outlook. All emails are sent from outlook and as a small company we always include each other in cc or bcc. I've noticed that Hubspot only seems to show our own company ID on the right hand side Hubspot Sales window. It seems to be looking at the company in the CC section rather than the To: section.
If i delete my colleagues from the CC section, then the info changes to the person/company in the TO: section.
The question is, what is it logging when i cc in my colleagues and/or is there a way to prevent it from looking at the CC section as all my main customers will always be in the To: section.
Emails from Outlook not logging with colleagues in CC
With the outlook integration for HubSpot, if your email account is connected to your HubSpot portal any email addresses that are in the To, CC or BCC field will be logged. To stop your colleagues emails going into your HubSpot portal you can add your email domain to the Never Log section under Settings > Objects > Activities. You can then add individual email addresses or domains to stop these being logged.