We have a large number of company records that need to be deduped. Specifically, they are the same company but recognized as different because they have different company domains (based on different email addresses that come through our forms).
Basically, is there an automated way or solution to dedupe and merge these instances? I worry about knowing which domain should be the primary domain between the two companies to be merged. Is there a way to keep all of them?
HI @MRoberts8 there is an option to not create new companies based on contact emails, which would prevent the duplicates - it also prevents new companies from being created for non-duplicates though.
If you went that route, you could add a field to your form for "company domain" so you can capture their website and through workflow determine if a compnay needs to be created.
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Is there a way to stop the duplicate creation of the companies all together? We continue to have additional companies added based on how the email domains are on email addresses. We do the 'manage duplicates', but really, if we can stop the duplication, it's a time-saver.
This is really helpful. I don't have a professional operations hub account, so I think I'm not able to do it in bulk.
Have you seen any good strategies for preventing this from happening? Our companies are created with these domains as people enter the form on our website.
HI @MRoberts8 there is an option to not create new companies based on contact emails, which would prevent the duplicates - it also prevents new companies from being created for non-duplicates though.
If you went that route, you could add a field to your form for "company domain" so you can capture their website and through workflow determine if a compnay needs to be created.
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This is an interesting question I've run into quite a few times and I don't think there is a singular answer.
I've seen this with international companies where their emails are company.fr or company.de - and depending on how you're selling, you might need both separate or you might want to merge them.
Even though they have different domains, because their names are similar, it should still trigger the company duplicates report:
I think these are good examples of what you're running into:
With Ops Hub Pro or Enterprise, you can also manage duplicates that aren't deduped automatically.
Whether you should merge or keep separate really depends on how you're selling, I'm happy to talk through possibilities if you want to share more about your use case.
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One last question -- is there a way I can make a list in hubspot of all the companies that are duplicates? I'd like to be able to flag them through a list membership.