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Do Deal Workflow Webhooks Contain Data on the Associated Products?


Does the data in a webhook triggered from a Deal workflow contain information on the Products associated with that particular Deal?

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Do Deal Workflow Webhooks Contain Data on the Associated Products?


Hi @Herschel,


Associated products are not included in a deal's webhook payload. But what you could do is take the deal ID that is included in the webhook payload, and then make a request to the CRM Associations API: You can use the definition ID for "deal to line item", which is 19. So your request URL would look something like /crm-associations/v1/associations/: objectId/HUBSPOT_DEFINED/19, where you plug in the deal ID the objectId . That will return you the deal's line item associations. Our documentation for line items is here:, but I think that should give you what you need.


Let me know if you have any questions about it.


Leland Scanlan

HubSpot Developer Support

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Do Deal Workflow Webhooks Contain Data on the Associated Products?


Hi @Herschel,


Associated products are not included in a deal's webhook payload. But what you could do is take the deal ID that is included in the webhook payload, and then make a request to the CRM Associations API: You can use the definition ID for "deal to line item", which is 19. So your request URL would look something like /crm-associations/v1/associations/: objectId/HUBSPOT_DEFINED/19, where you plug in the deal ID the objectId . That will return you the deal's line item associations. Our documentation for line items is here:, but I think that should give you what you need.


Let me know if you have any questions about it.


Leland Scanlan

HubSpot Developer Support
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Do Deal Workflow Webhooks Contain Data on the Associated Products?


Thanks for the info, I went ahead and submitted an idea post requesting that product line item data be included in those deal workflow webhooks:

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