Difference between "___ has opted out of email" vs "unsubscribed from all subscription types"
Hi there! I'm wondering what the difference is between the message that pops up above a contact's name saying "___ is opted out of email" vs the red notification under email activity that says "There was an issue sending an email to this contact. This recipient previously unsubscribed from all email subscription types". I previously thought they went hand in hand but today when cleaning up marketing contacts I noticed a few contacts that had only the "___ is opted out of email" message but no "there was an issue sending an email to this contact" message.
The "__ opted out of email" tells you that a contact has unsubscribed from all subscription types. The red box tells you that an attempt to send them that particular marketing email failed due to them having unsubscribed.
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The "__ opted out of email" tells you that a contact has unsubscribed from all subscription types. The red box tells you that an attempt to send them that particular marketing email failed due to them having unsubscribed.
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