
Deal Form Associations


Okay, so Im trying to basically create an 'If, then' statement on my deals form that is specific to pipeline. The statement would read like this ' If Pipeline is equal to End Customer and End Customer deal is a partner deal, then i want a dropdown of available partners. (In this case partners is a customer object.) In the partner properties, the partner name is editable and viewable to everyone, but in the deal form it is saying it is not an editable property. How do i create conditional logic from a property to an object?

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Deal Form Associations


Hey! @Claire-S To create conditional logic in HubSpot for your deals form, first ensure you have a custom property for "Available Partners" set up as a dropdown. Then, configure the form to display this dropdown only if the "Pipeline" is equal to "End Customer" and the deal is marked as a partner deal. If the partner name is not editable, create a separate custom property that links to your partner object, ensuring it allows for user edits.


Hope that helps!

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Deal Form Associations


Hi @Claire-S,


It sounds like deals and partners are different objects in your portal, is that the case? If so, it is not possible to create a required lookup field to associate a partner record once a deal meets certain criteria. Conditional logic can only apply to fields on the same object, not on different objects, at least currently.


As a workaround, if you're on an Enterprise subscription, you could do the following:

  1. Set up a custom single checkbox property "Partner selected"
  2. Create a custom deal-based workflow that enrolls deals when they are associated to a partner record
  3. Use the "Set property value" workflow action to check the box from step 1
  4. Set the property from step 1 to view-only in the property settings
  5. Make the property from step 1 required when someone selects "Partner deal" in the property "End customer":


If your partners are not a different object but a dropdown property on the deal object, things become possible. In that case, you would specifically leverage these two features:

  1. Follow these steps to set up a condition to only display the value "Partner deal" in the property "End customer" when "Pipeline" is "End Customer":
  2. Follow these steps to set up a conditional logic that displays the partner dropdown property when "End customer" has the value "Partner deal":

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions! If you specify how you have this currently set up, I can elaborate further.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Deal Form Associations


Hi @Claire-S,


It sounds like deals and partners are different objects in your portal, is that the case? If so, it is not possible to create a required lookup field to associate a partner record once a deal meets certain criteria. Conditional logic can only apply to fields on the same object, not on different objects, at least currently.


As a workaround, if you're on an Enterprise subscription, you could do the following:

  1. Set up a custom single checkbox property "Partner selected"
  2. Create a custom deal-based workflow that enrolls deals when they are associated to a partner record
  3. Use the "Set property value" workflow action to check the box from step 1
  4. Set the property from step 1 to view-only in the property settings
  5. Make the property from step 1 required when someone selects "Partner deal" in the property "End customer":


If your partners are not a different object but a dropdown property on the deal object, things become possible. In that case, you would specifically leverage these two features:

  1. Follow these steps to set up a condition to only display the value "Partner deal" in the property "End customer" when "Pipeline" is "End Customer":
  2. Follow these steps to set up a conditional logic that displays the partner dropdown property when "End customer" has the value "Partner deal":

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions! If you specify how you have this currently set up, I can elaborate further.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Deal Form Associations


Hey! @Claire-S To create conditional logic in HubSpot for your deals form, first ensure you have a custom property for "Available Partners" set up as a dropdown. Then, configure the form to display this dropdown only if the "Pipeline" is equal to "End Customer" and the deal is marked as a partner deal. If the partner name is not editable, create a separate custom property that links to your partner object, ensuring it allows for user edits.


Hope that helps!

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