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oct. 4, 20232:44 AM - modifié oct. 4, 20232:45 AM
Custom Objects listing
Hi there,
Question for this week 🙂 I recently created some "golden squares" for our team to use when they connect with a prospect, it allows them to capture the data in an easy way. But....
The way I see the data is NOT the way my colleagues see it!
On the attached you will see as an example that I have ERP Finance (its a multiple choice select option) and then ERP Finance Integration (which is a yes no answer) it helps us understand trends.
But my team don't see the data in the same order, so ERP Finance is in one spot in the list and ERP Finance Integration doesn't directly follow, so not surprised none of them are filling it in as its too hard.
Ok 2 questions this week.
The second question, is it possible (or v greedy) to want to be able to run a dashboard of our deals and incorporate in a simple way the golden squares that have values in them , ie this deal with xx is worth $$ and they are using this ERP and want to integrate with it.
oct. 4, 20233:13 AM - modifié oct. 4, 20233:13 AM
Conseiller clé | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Custom Objects listing
Hey @CJAsha ! It sounds like you've customized the "About this Company" section on the record. This section can be rearranged by individual, but your team can reset their view to be what you have set at the account level by following these instructions:
Thanks Chris, its definitely not resetting to default, its giving the rest of the team the same view as me, Currently I see the image on the left (CJ) and my colleague sees the list on the right (Carl) so it doesn't follow the right flow for him, I will review your second link (thankyou) and test it and then come back, thanks again. This community is invaluable.
oct. 4, 20233:13 AM - modifié oct. 4, 20233:13 AM
Conseiller clé | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Custom Objects listing
Hey @CJAsha ! It sounds like you've customized the "About this Company" section on the record. This section can be rearranged by individual, but your team can reset their view to be what you have set at the account level by following these instructions: