I am currently creating a work flow that creates multiple deals, from one form submission, with different deal ID's.
I have created the flow below, that creates multiple deals, however they all share the same deal ID.
Any suggestions?
Context, we are a watch dealers, customer are completing a form to get a quote to sell there watch, but can opt to add more than 1 (up to a maximum of 5.)
From your workflow it looks like you copied the create deal step 4 times. If someone can select up to 5 different ways to sell, it feels like there should be branches to determine if one, two, etc. deals are created and then something from the form should be passed to create a unique deal name for each deal. Otherwise the system will create duplicate deals with duplicate names and that might be causing the issue that you are facing where it is combining it all into 1 deal because it sees duplicates.
Echoing what Ben mentioned, you should examine the strategy you're approaching with first.
At the moment it looks like you're just creating a number of duplicate deals and assigning them to the same person, would this be useful to your sales team?
For your different watch each deal, then you want to have different properties for each watch (which I'm assuming you have already since you can only submit once to a property on HubSpot forms). Effectively you want then the form submission trigger as you have but you want each deal to be created with each of those different properties (IE watch type 1, watch type 2 etc).
Do you always want these to be assigned to the same person though?
Tom Mahon Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion Baskey Digitial
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However, all the deals still all apear linked, so if you update one they all progress through the pipeline, and share the same Record ID. But I have also realised every time you resubmitt the form, the record ID remains the same - therefore I think its not appropriate to be used in this fassion. I believe I have overcome the requirment for a unique number for each deal however with a third party app, sequentialy.
Your first if branch should just be to check if Watch brand is known.
if it is then create the first deal then move on to the next if branch which checks if watch brand 2 is known. If it is then make deal 2 etc.
if there is a chance that users will enter a watch brand 2 but leave brand 1 empty then for all of your if branches, under none met, move to the next if branch (skipping the deal creation).
I think , you need to pass some unique value from the form to the deal data, so that unique deals are created, here what I can see from your workflow is that, it is creating deals and we have 5 such blocks without any distinctive IF/ELSE condition, how will this create 5 unique deals I'm not sure. There needs to be 5 unique conditions per contact form fill.
From your workflow it looks like you copied the create deal step 4 times. If someone can select up to 5 different ways to sell, it feels like there should be branches to determine if one, two, etc. deals are created and then something from the form should be passed to create a unique deal name for each deal. Otherwise the system will create duplicate deals with duplicate names and that might be causing the issue that you are facing where it is combining it all into 1 deal because it sees duplicates.