In my industry we create a deal when we receive a phone call. We type in the information as we go but unfortunately the deal information won't create a contact.
Is there a way to automatically create a contact with the information we put in to the deal stage?
I actually came up with a workaround using Zapier so when a new deal is created it takes X information and puts it into X details on the contacts page.
The calls are 90% inbound so we can't prefill forms unfortunately. Never know who's going to call us!
We would like this feature as well. It is really difficult and frustrating for our sales reps to fill out a deal fully and then get to the contact and realize they never put the contact in. They then have to exit, loosing all their work and then input the information for the contact, then the company, then the deal all over again.
Hi @dhulet I'm curious why you have to exit the deal and loose information to create a contact? You can save the deal, then add and save the contact, and later associate the deal with the contact.
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You are right, I looked at it again. You are right. The feature would be really helpful to our sales force as they fill out the form. I saw it as a problem when I was demoing the software and our reps have already brought up the difficulty of not being able to create a contact and companie at this time.
Hi @NickMTS. In most cases, its the other way around, contacts are created through Inbound methods and then associated with deals. At this time its not possible to add a contact name or record through the deal object.
I'm curious though, when you make a call, you're calling an inidvidual. Any reason your wouldn't input that info in first?
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I actually came up with a workaround using Zapier so when a new deal is created it takes X information and puts it into X details on the contacts page.
The calls are 90% inbound so we can't prefill forms unfortunately. Never know who's going to call us!
What app through Zapier did you use to make this happen?
This would be very useful for me as well! I often create deals prior to creating contacts and companies. I hate having to exit and then go back into the deal. I just want to create a new contact as I create a new deal, the two go hand in hand after all. 🙂