
Count of Closed/Won sales deals


I want to be able to create a count of the number of Closed/Won and Closed/Lost sales deals for a company so that we can identify issues with closing deals as well as those customers who may be using us for just price comparison with our competitors.


I have two custom properties for a company and I can increment them manually or using a simple workflow but the issue is that I can't re-enroll a company into a workflow that can trigger this automatically, each time a deal is won or lost - this is one of the situations where there is a block on re-enrollment.


Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd prefer to keep this all within Hubspot rather than branching out to Zapier.

1 Solução aceita

Count of Closed/Won sales deals


A bit late to the party, but I was scouring the community posts to see if I can find a more streamlined solution. Here is what we are currently using to achieve what you are looking for:

1. A Score type property for the Deals, which adds 1 point based on however you define your "won" deals (Ex: Deal Stage = Closed Won + whatever else, if anything)
2. A Calculation type property for the Companies, which is a Sum of all the associated Deals' score properties from above


This setup means your Company calculation property will always tell you how many Deals with the chosen criteria are there at any given moment.
You can adjust this to gather at the Company level any sort of information of the type "how many deals that X" so long as you build the score property from step 1 with whatever filters you are after, and you make to sure to always award just 1 point (so it represents just one deal in the final sum).


This setup will updated automatically, because as soon as a Deal does not fulfil the critera to gain that 1 score point, it will automatically turn to 0. And, the sum property from the companies will always be updated!


Hope this helps!

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Count of Closed/Won sales deals


I'm looking for the same feature: a simple counter in the company that adds +1 for every closed-won deal


using workflows:

- company-based: i can't reenroll a company based on a deal activity

- deal-based: i can't add to a numeric company property 


anyone got a suggestion how to solve this?


Count of Closed/Won sales deals


A bit late to the party, but I was scouring the community posts to see if I can find a more streamlined solution. Here is what we are currently using to achieve what you are looking for:

1. A Score type property for the Deals, which adds 1 point based on however you define your "won" deals (Ex: Deal Stage = Closed Won + whatever else, if anything)
2. A Calculation type property for the Companies, which is a Sum of all the associated Deals' score properties from above


This setup means your Company calculation property will always tell you how many Deals with the chosen criteria are there at any given moment.
You can adjust this to gather at the Company level any sort of information of the type "how many deals that X" so long as you build the score property from step 1 with whatever filters you are after, and you make to sure to always award just 1 point (so it represents just one deal in the final sum).


This setup will updated automatically, because as soon as a Deal does not fulfil the critera to gain that 1 score point, it will automatically turn to 0. And, the sum property from the companies will always be updated!


Hope this helps!

Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Count of Closed/Won sales deals


Thanks for sharing, @ABeian

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Orientador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Elite

Count of Closed/Won sales deals


Could you create a deal based workflow that triggers at closed lost or won. Where the deal updates a company property? So you create two properties deals won and Deals lost and then when a deal is won it increases the first property and when a deal moves to lost the deal triggers a workflow to increase the deal lost property?

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Kind regards,
Nicole Sengers

Count of Closed/Won sales deals



The issue is that you can't use a deal workflow to trigger a company workflow. This is where I've got stuck.


I can trigger a workflow when a deal moves to Closed/Won but I can't then trigger another workflow unless it's deal based - a workflow to increment a company property would need to be a company based workflow and I can't trigger that from a deal workflow as the company is unknown to the deal workflow.

0 Avaliação positiva
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Elite

Count of Closed/Won sales deals


Hi @jdtingay 


Could you perhaps create a custom deals report that shows the company name  and the count of deals - and then have a secondary filter for deal stage (filter out deals that arent in stages won or lost) and then you can see the count of won vs lost deals by company.


Hope that helps!

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Kind regards,
Nicole Sengers

Count of Closed/Won sales deals




Thanks for the suggestion - however, I want to be able to trigger workflows based on these numbers so having companies in a list won't get me where I want.


I mjght have to go outside of Hubspot and trigger something from Zapier when a deal is moved to closed/won or closed/lost, something that I've had to do with SurveyMonkey as Hubspot overwrites the previous SurveyMonkey results when a new response is received.


It's frustrating that something that appears to be so simple can't be done easily in such as powerful platform. 

0 Avaliação positiva
Conselheiro(a) de destaque | Parceiro Elite
Conselheiro(a) de destaque | Parceiro Elite

Count of Closed/Won sales deals


Sorry for being late to the party. What are these two custom properties and what type are they? You should be able to use numeric logic like greater than or less than as long as it's a number field. The Knowledge Base even has a note about number workflow enrollment so maybe look at what properties you are using and how.


Count of Closed/Won sales deals




The two company properties are numeric and are company information properties. 

0 Avaliação positiva
Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Count of Closed/Won sales deals


Hi @jdtingay 


Thank you for reaching out.


I want to tag some of our experts on this - @NicoleSengers @ConnorSlivensky @Dan1 do you have any thoughts for @jdtingay on this? 


Thank you!



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