
Copy first Line Item to Deal text property

I need a workflow that copies the first Line Item name to a text property on the parent Deal. I haven't found a way to copy from Line Item. What would be a good approach?



2 Réponses

Copy first Line Item to Deal text property

Hi @pbmartin , as far as I can see this isn't currently possible. If you share a bit about what your goal is with copying the line item name to a text property I'd be happy to see if I have any other suggestions? 

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Copy first Line Item to Deal text property

We have clients who have multiple Deals working at a time and we need to differentiate between the Deals. Normally, the first Line Item and expiration date are good ways to distinguish Deals from the same Company. I'd like to copy the first Line Item entered into a text property ([Primary Service]) and fill the Deal Name with 

[Company] + ": " + [Primary Service] + " | Exp: " + [Recurring Revenue Inactive Date] + "  ID: " + [Deal Id]


Any thoughts on filling [Primary Service] from the Line Items via workflow?

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