
Converting a Country Property to a Continent Property


I have a Deal property called "Country of Residence" which we've loaded with a ISO list fo Countries. Staff than use then when creating a Deal. However we now want to do reporting by Continent (or sometimes even by other regions such as EU, EEA etc). Is there a way to do this via a new calculated property? I'm assuming I'd need to use a workflow and somehow load and match on a lookup list of continents/countries? Thanks for any guidance.

1 Akzeptierte Lösung
Berühmtheit | Partner
Berühmtheit | Partner

Converting a Country Property to a Continent Property


Hi @SeanPBurton,


This is best done with a workflow. You would enroll all deals where "Country of Residence" is known and add an if/then branch.


IF "Country of Residence" is any of [countries of the first region] THEN set property value of "Region of residence" to [first region]

IF "Country of Residence" is any of [countries of the second region] THEN set property value of "Region of residence" to [second region]



In other words, you're first creating a custom "Region of residence" property with dropdown options for each region. You're then using a workflow that looks at the "Country of Residence" and, based on that, uses the "Set property value" action to assign a "Region of residence". The workflow would need as many branches as you have regions.


Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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2 Antworten

Converting a Country Property to a Continent Property


Thank you Karsten, understood. I'll work through that. 

Berühmtheit | Partner
Berühmtheit | Partner

Converting a Country Property to a Continent Property


Hi @SeanPBurton,


This is best done with a workflow. You would enroll all deals where "Country of Residence" is known and add an if/then branch.


IF "Country of Residence" is any of [countries of the first region] THEN set property value of "Region of residence" to [first region]

IF "Country of Residence" is any of [countries of the second region] THEN set property value of "Region of residence" to [second region]



In other words, you're first creating a custom "Region of residence" property with dropdown options for each region. You're then using a workflow that looks at the "Country of Residence" and, based on that, uses the "Set property value" action to assign a "Region of residence". The workflow would need as many branches as you have regions.


Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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