We did a salesforce integration and as part of this it set up company owners for people who are set up as users with different email addresses. When searching for one of these people in the company/contact/deal owner dropdown filter, one appears for their old email address and another for their new email address, even though only their new email is in the user list.
How can I remove their old email from the owners filter?
Ok so I think what is causing the issue is that the integration automatically creates Salesforce Users in HubSpot (see the last FAQ here). Because they are using different email addresses in each system they are picked up as 2 separate users.
To fix this I think you will need to update their emails to be the same in both systems. The integration should then pick them up as the same user.
Ok so I think what is causing the issue is that the integration automatically creates Salesforce Users in HubSpot (see the last FAQ here). Because they are using different email addresses in each system they are picked up as 2 separate users.
To fix this I think you will need to update their emails to be the same in both systems. The integration should then pick them up as the same user.